First of all, we're trying to drag our communications into the 21st Century. We're asking all parents to confirm or update phone numbers and email addresses, and all parents and carers will get a form in the next few days where they can fill in that information for us, please.
Then we'll be able to email news and information to you without cost to us, keeping you in touch with the school and fully informed about what's going on.
We're also working on a new school 'app' which will provide alerts and information to your phone or tablet and so on. Very trendy. We'll be able to let you know more about that in our first whole-school email.
Year 11
It was very encouraging to see year 11 taking their mock exams seriously. I am sure it has done them a power of good to begin 2015 in this way. We have talked about revision and learning at assemblies and I think all year 11 students are in a good place to move on and do their best in the GCSEs. We only ask that they do their best, and everyone has a different best.
Students will be receiving their mock results shortly and parents will get a formal notification on 10th February once everything has been marked and checked. Mock results are motivation. If you didn't do well enough, if you didn't do your best, you'll know from assemblies and from your tutors and teachers what you have to do to move on.
The governors have agreed that all students may, if they wish, wear the official school hoodie as part of their uniform, as a topcoat. They are not to be worn in lessons. We are ordering some in and students who wish to buy them will be able to do so shortly. I'll be able to give precise prices and so on in due course, I hope.
Route Your Reading
I am very pleased by the way that reading has been made important for everyone this year. The library is going from strength to strength and the reading project which has been introduced - the 'Route your Reading' project - looks interesting and exciting.
There's no doubt that regular reading for pleasure - stories, novels, newspapers, journals - helps you to think better and to study better and to shine in interviews. Everyone should have a book they want to read within easy reach!
Coming Up
On 3rd February we have an important afternoon for all our year 11 students when they can discuss their progress at a parents' evening starting at 3.30 pm, having talked to staff and teachers during the afternoon about sixth-form choices. We want to welcome all our year 11 to our sixth-form in September!
For this reason, school will end at 2pm on 3rd February for all other students, so that year 11 can have our full attention.
There is a year 13 parents' evening on 27th January when they will be able to begin the final run-in to their important exams. They have worked well - and so have their teachers - to get their UCAS applications in, so now the job is to get the best possible grades.
Finally, we have a PFA fundraising Race Night on 30th January and everyone is welcome. The money raised by the PFA is essential for us, as I am sure you know. The minibuses look great and help us in all sorts of ways, but they cost money to run.
Please keep in touch with the school through the website and the blog,
Philip Rush
January 22nd 2015